Clinic coordinator
22 Nov 2023
On 10 November during the Access to Justice Day organised by the Radboud Law Clinic (alumni) clinicians and interested students presented their research related to human rights to their fellows and our honoured guest Professor Janelle Diller.
Master student Vera van den Crommenacker presented her research on violence against women in Nepal.
Our alumna Chamindri Liyanage presented reflections on invoking the jurisdiction of UN Treaty bodies stemming from a research project that she and her colleagues Sjoerd van de Kar, Nastasia Bankert and Hamza Rafiq completed last year in collaboration with EHRAC.
Clinicians Riad Mahmud, Nathalie Koopmans and Alessandro Marcucci presented their project on the standards on fair recruitment of #migrantworkers in the Netherlands in collaboration with Het Kenniscentrum Arbeidsmigranten.
Antonia Boila, Ellen Magg and Milan Calloens presented their research on judicial independence in Montenegro in cooperation with the International Commission of Jurists.
Vaibhav Sharma, Johanna Fischer and Joe Macphee talked about their research on the international standards for the prevention of stigmatisation & criminalisation of homelessness commissioned by the Stichting Straatconsulaat.
We wish to thank all presenters and our special guest Professor Diller for her useful suggestions and comments.